Take That surprise Catherine Waterman

Wendover residents were intrigued when signs went up warning us that Wendover High Street would be closed for 15 minutes between 10am and 2pm on Wednesday 28 November.

Interestingly, there were some security vans and several unknown people loitering around the Manor Waste from early on that morning.

SuddenlyGary Barlow, Mark Owen and Howard Donald of Take That came round the corner to surprise Catherine Waterman of The Flower Gallery in Wendover High Street. They were there to act as her chauffeurs for the day, whisking her away to her dance class through Halton, St Leonards, Buckland Village and Wiggington. Not before Gary had taken the opportunity to buy some flowers. Catherine usually teaches Zumba and Zumba Goldon Monday evenings in Great Missenden Memorial Centre. Catherine said, “It was great to share the experience with several fellow Zumba instructors and students in the area who equally had no idea Take That were coming. They were expecting me and had a wonderful surpriseas you can see from the advert.”The band swiftly donned some very fetching neon Lycra and sweatbands, and joined in with the dance class – with Howard in particular throwing some impressive shapes.

People poured out of shops and offices in central Wendover to enjoy the filming, click here and here.

Catherine’s love of the band started when she was young and she remembers dancing to all their songs, but she became a super fan when the band reformed and then released her favourite songRule The World. She went to see them in concert on theirProgresstour – and loved it so much she then took her mum Philippa to see them again a few weeks later.The band has been taking take time out from rehearsing for their upcomingGreatest Hitstour as part of their 30-year anniversary to surprise three of their biggest fans – all nominated by their friends and family – with Wendover-based Catherine being one of the lucky few. Catherine thought she was being filmed for a Take That super fan documentary when the band turned up in a new Vitara.The whole visit has been turned into a 30-second advert, which launched during primetime on ITV on 5thJanuary as part of Suzuki’s Saturday #bringthefun campaign. These adverts, which form part of Suzuki’s partnership with ITV on Saturday nights, are running in the breaks of some of the UK’s most popular shows, beginning withThe Voice UK.To see the finished advert featuring Catherine and our lovely local countryside, clickhere.

Catherine said of the day:

“When the band turned up and I realised it was all for me, I couldn’t believe it. I also couldn’t quite believe they were really Take That – you can’t quite reconcile global superstars with these really lovely, down to earth guys who took part in my dance class! It was amazing to share this experience with my class and the band really got stuck in, helped by some very fetching dance gear. I can’t wait to see the advert and it all feel real!”

Tammy Charnley, General Manager Marketing, Automobile Division at Suzuki says:

“We had so much fun surprising Take That fans like Catherine. We wanted to deliver fun to unexpected moments – and as you’ll see from the adverts, the band popping up to take part in a dance class or a classroom singalong was a hugely unexpected turn of events for these super fans! Our Suzuki Surprises are just starting though – look out for more throughout 2019 as part of Suzuki’s #bringthefun campaign.”

To see the finished advert featuring Catherine and our lovely local countryside, click here.

With more surprises already planned, Gary, Mark and Howard could be turning up anywhere ahead of their 2019 Greatest Hits tour. Fans can find out more, view exclusive Take That content and have the opportunity to win tickets to the tour by visiting SuzukiCarsUK on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.