Textile and Mixed Media art proves popular in Potters Bar
Jackie Uphill has an amazing display of textile art at Wenta’s Enterprise Centre in Potters Bar, where she recently made a few sales of her work. “I was excited to be contacted about my art, which I am exhibiting on two of the walls at the Wenta Enterprise Centre in Potters Bar”, says Jackie. “I met with the potential buyer at the Centre and we had a very interesting chat where I explained my work to him; my inspirations and processes. As a result, he decided to purchase six of my exhibited pieces, comprising two original pieces of work and four framed prints.” Jackie continues, “This was a very uplifting experience for me and I was so pleased to be able to connect in such a positive way with my buyer.”
Jackie is a textile and mixed media artist who uses different techniques to create intriguing textures and images; and now business residents at Wenta’s Potters Bar venue can view a range of her work displayed along the walls of the corridor.
A mix of professional and amateur artists have come together in Potter’s Bar Enterprise Centre in support of Wenta’s ongoing work to develop relationships within the local Herts community.
Each of the participating artists is a Member of HVA (Herts Visual Arts) and has a portfolio of work viewable on the Gallery pages of the HVA Website. From glassware to textiles, from paintings to ceramics, the range of HVA Members’ work is as extensive as their subject matter (figurative, landscape, abstract, portraiture) is varied.
To find out more about HVA, please visit the Website at www.hvaf.org.uk/.