Tree of Trees legacy lives on in Buckinghamshire

Created as the centrepiece of Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) Initiative, the ‘Tree of Trees’ – a huge living sculpture made up of 350 native British trees – stood tall as a message of hope, regeneration and optimism to our nation and the world.

Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, the QGC Tree of Trees sculpture sought to put the importance of trees at the heart of this historic milestone to celebrate Her Majesty, who planted over 1,500 trees all over the world throughout her 70-year reign.

The trees were set in aluminium pots embossed with Her Majesty’s cypher in order that they could be gifted to selected community groups and organisations to celebrate their work and inspire the next generation of tree planters across the nation.

The Queen’s Green Canopy yesterday announced over 300 organisations from across the UK, including three in Buckinghamshire, who would be gifted a tree.

His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, The Countess Howe is delighted that the late Queen’s remarkable legacy should be remembered in this way and is pleased to announce that trees will be gifted to:

  • Camphill Community in Milton Keynes
  • National Paralympic Heritage Trust at Stoke Mandeville
  • Buckinghamshire New University in High Wycombe


In response to the announcement, Tim Davies, CEO Camphill Community said:

“We are excited and honoured to have been chosen as a recipient of a Tree of Trees. Camphill has long standing traditions of care for the environment and our connection with the land is something that we all treasure, many of our 70 disabled residents taking part in our gardening and horticulture activity every day. The food and produce that we grow in our gardens is eaten in our houses and served in our vegetarian café. We are deeply proud to have been selected by the Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire and look forward to our planting ceremony in the coming weeks. Our Tree of Trees tree will stand proud alongside recently planted 100 Queen’s Green Canopy trees.”

Professor Nick Braisby, Vice-Chancellor at Buckinghamshire New University (BNU) said:

“I am honoured that BNU is one of three organisations in Buckinghamshire chosen to receive a tree as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) initiative. On behalf of our students, staff and the local High Wycombe community, we will take precious care of the tree which will both proudly commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, and celebrate Her Majesty’s loyal and dedicated service during her 70-year reign. The University has recently committed to the Nature Positive Pledge, and by giving the special QGC tree a home we will further enhance the biodiversity of our High Wycombe campus for our University community and local residents to enjoy.”

The trees will be formally presented by the Lord-Lieutenant later this year as part of the second planting season of the QGC initiative extended until March 2023 to Honour the late Queen.