Two-way traffic for Easton Street and Queen Victoria Road

A new two-way traffic system comes into force in Easton Street and Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, from the early hours of Wednesday, 29 May.

And ahead of the go-live date, contractors will lay new road surfaces, paint white lines, and install sensors for new traffic lights, which means the roads will be closed overnight (8pm to 6am) from Tuesday 7 May for six nights to Monday morning (13 May).

Advance notice signs about night-time closures are already in place.

The new two-way system – the first time both roads have seen traffic in both directions for more than 40 years – aims to improve north-south journey times.

The High Street crossroads and the Easton Street exit on to Abbey Way have been remodelled to allow two-way traffic, and traffic lights will synchronise with signals further up Crendon Street and in London Road.

The new arrangement allows traffic to travel straight on and make left turns, but prohibits right turns from Queen Victoria Road into Easton Street.

The £3.7 million scheme is part of a £15m town centre masterplan, which aims to make the centre of High Wycombe more attractive for shoppers, visitors and businesses.

Mark Shaw, Buckinghamshire County Council Deputy Leader and Transport Cabinet Member said the changeover is planned for school half-term holiday as traffic will be lighter.

“We’re on the home straight of this two-way traffic scheme to improve the look of the area and to makeit better for those who use the roads through the busy town centre,” said Mark. “I’m really grateful to residents and businesses for bearing with us throughout the works.”

David Johncock, Wycombe District Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Sustainability, said: “Queen Victoria Road and Easton Street haven’t seen a change like this for about 40 years and we want to make sure that motorists and pedestrians are prepared for the two way traffic on these roads. So we’re asking you to start thinking now about what your new route around these roads will be from Wednesday 29 May.”

Richard Harrington, Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “We are delighted to see this BTVLEP supported scheme near completion, which aims to improve the road infrastructure in High Wycombe. Part of the High Wycombe Town Centre Masterplan, this road improvement plays a key component in providing resilience for the town centre as an attractive focus for employment, shopping and leisure activities.”

The High Wycombe Town Centre Masterplan is jointly funded by BTVLEP, Wycombe District Council and Buckinghamshire County Council.