Updated Wendover Photo Album in Chilterns Archive

The Chiltern Society PhotoGroup has completely updated its archive album for Wendover. It now has 74 images taken between 2008 and 2018, 35 of which are new. Some of the
photos are likely to be of historic interest as they depict locations that will be affected by the proposed ‘cut and cover’ tunnel for the HS2 railway. As elsewhere, the captions give
interesting details. (The archive also includes a separate HS2 album.)

The link to the Wendover album is: www.chilternphoto.org.uk/index/category/240.

To obtain high-resolution copies, without charge, of any of the album’s photographs for print or online reproduction note the photo’s unique file number, eg wx633. Either contact
myself or Quiller Barrett, the website editor, who will directly attend to your request. Individual authors retain the copyright for their work, so please acknowledge the
Chiltern Society PhotoGroup and include authors’ names with any caption details.

The PhotoGroup’s archive of around 7,200 photographs from over 250 locations is the most comprehensive online record of the Chilterns’ special character, qualities and
amenities. Besides recording the Chilterns for the benefit of future generations, several thousands of UK and overseas visitors, many with ancestral links to the region, access the
archive each year.

Press contacts:
Barry Hunt, chairman, 01494 713345 or chairman@chilternphoto.org.uk
Quiller Barrett, website editor, 01442 871249 or webphotos@chilternphoto.org.uk