Use public transport safely says Council
For those who need to use public transport to make essential journeys, the advice is to check all the latest Government guidance to stay safe and protect others.
That’s the message from Buckinghamshire Council to residents following the Government’s publication of its latest advice on walking, cycling, travelling in vehicles and using all forms of public transport during the on-going pandemic
Residents are still recommended to keep travel to a minimum by working at home wherever possible or, where this simply isn’t an option, to travel by car or better still, cycle or walk.
However, the clear national message remains that for those who have no alternative to public transport, it’s vital they understand the steps to take to maintain their own safety, that of others and to help reduce demand on transport networks.
The council is also working closely with operators to help get the messages out locally, make social distancing adjustments to facilities and improving information provision.
In particular, the council suggests:
When planning your journey:
- Plan ahead and use a direct route.
- Travel during off peak times if you are able.
- Take hand sanitiser and a face covering, if you can.
- If you require assistance, you should continue to request this as you normally would.
- Wash or sanitise your hands at the beginning of your journey and as soon as possible when the journey is completed.
When making your journey:
- Maintain a 2m distance where possible
- Use a face covering if you can, particularly when you will be close to others
- Use contactless payment where possible
- Be patient and follow instructions from the driver
- Wash or sanitise your hands as frequently as possible at all times throughout the day.
With over 2000 bus stops and shelters across the county, the Council also says it’s difficult to install physical social distancing measures at every one. Instead, passengers are asked to queue safely, leaving a 2m gap wherever possible. Signage will also be installed at some shelters with higher footfall.
And then, when on the bus, people should spread out as far as possible and follow any directions from the driver.
One site where social distancing is more difficult is Aylesbury bus station due to its layout within an enclosed space and smaller boarding areas. The Council is therefore publishing information so people can consider catching or getting off the bus at a nearby stop if they are able.This will make it easier and safer for those who do need to use the bus station itself and is a good way to keep up that daily exercise!
Maps and information will be displayed so people know where the alternative stops are around Aylesbury town centre.
Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Logistics, David Martin said everything was being done to make bus travel as safe as possible. “Many Buckinghamshire residents rely on their local buses as they have no alternative way of making essential journeys during this pandemic, so we are doing whatever we realistically can to help them to do this safely.”
David added, “We’re working closely with all our local bus operators to make things as easy as possible for people whilst maintaining their safety and protection. These changes are going to be with us for months to come, so I would ask people to consider what best works for them in the longer term and to be patient and considerate towards fellow travellers and drivers.”
For further information about bus travel across Buckinghamshire, please visit – You can also follow us on Twitter @bucksbuses