Vice Chairman attends official opening of Halton Pre-School

Netta Glover, Vice Chairman of Buckinghamshire County Council joined staff, children and members of the local community last Friday (17 November) at the official opening of Halton Pre-School.

Funded by Buckinghamshire County Council to provide much needed pre-school places, the former caretaker’s bungalow alongside Halton Primary School, has been transformed into an engaging and bespoke setting to provide early years’ education for three and four year olds and opened its doors in September 2016.

Guests at the official opening, including school governors, representatives from RAF Halton and Councillor Mike Appleyard, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, were treated to an afternoon tea served by the youngest members of Halton School. Pupils Carter Gordon, 4 and Charlotte Prescott, 10, then cut the ribbon to officially open the gates of the pre-school.

Mrs Su Scrimshaw, headteacher at Halton School said: “We are delighted to celebrate the first year of Halton Pre-School. The project has been a real success and is testament to joint working between school leaders and the local authority.”

Netta Glover added: “It is wonderful to see how this new pre-school is benefitting the local community and we are pleased to have been able to help provide this much needed provision. Early years’ education provides a great start for all children and we want to ensure all those eligible in Bucks are aware of the options available and are able to take advantage of them.”

For more information on early education childcare in Buckinghamshire including what you may be entitled to visit the Buckinghamshire County Council website:

You can also find details of early education providers in your local area on the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service website: