Virtual permits for on-street parking
October 30 2018 has been set as the launch date for Transport for Buckinghamshire’s‘virtual permits’ for on-street parking in resident permit areas and online applications for all other permit types.
The new virtual permits will reduce the time it takes to apply for, and receive, a permit – currently it can take up to 14 working days to receive a permit, but a virtual permit becomes live as soon as it is approved. Enforcement officers will know instantly if a vehicle has an active permit via their handheld devices.
Virtual permits will be available for all types of on-street parking except blue badge holders. This means that people will no longer have to display a permit when parking a car in a permitted area anywhere in Buckinghamshire. This includes resident permits, dispensations and carer permits, as well as other types of on-street parking permits.
Buckinghamshire County Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transportation Mark Shaw said:”This advance in technology means that it will be quicker and easier to apply for a permit, as the application process will be simplified. Requests for permits and any changes made to existing permits will be effective immediately and, better still, they’re environmentally friendly as there is no paper or printing involved.”
In order to obtain virtual permits, customers must first register for a free account, from which they can apply for all types of permits. It is recognised that some residents may have issues relating to internet access, so help with obtaining the permits will be available for anyone requiring it.
All current permit holders are being written to with further details before there permits are due to expire. This will phase the release over the year and make sure the systems are not overloaded on day one.
To find out more, call the parking helpline on 0343 208 5544, and select option 3.