Waste not, want not at Christmastime

Christmas is a time of indulgence – it’s the one time of the year when we can justifiably go over the top just a bit.

That being so, my message from the Joint Waste Partnership to residents is …. eat, drink and be merry – but waste not! There’s a great deal we can all do to reduce, reuse and recycle without spoiling the celebrations – if anything, we’ll feel better knowing we’ve done our bit for the environment.

National statistics reckon the average household will spend more than £200 on food alone over the festive season – and an awful lot of it needlessly goes to waste. Planning meals in advance, freezing leftovers and getting creative with recipes will all reduce waste – and cost.

The Joint Waste Partnership involves the four district councils and the county council, all working collaboratively across a wide range of initiatives to reduce waste and increase recycling and reuse of materials wherever possible.

We all have a part to play, whether it’s the simple acts, such as buying non-foiled, paper wrapping which can be recycled, cutting up your real Christmas tree after the Twelfth Night and recycling it, using old cards as present labels, recycling packaging or carefully putting away decorations and lights ready to use next year – or more creative activities, like making your own decorations, or even presents.

The earth’s resources are finite and we have a duty of care over them – help the Partnership give our environment a gift this Christmas – reduce waste, reuse and recycle as much as possible.

Discover a wealth of advice on the Partnership websites:

Aylesbury Vale District Council: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/recycling

Buckinghamshire County Council: www.buckscc.gov.uk/environment/waste,-recycling-and-treatment/household-waste-and-recycling-centres/i-want-to-dispose-or-recycle-or-reduce/

Chiltern District Council: www.chiltern.gov.uk/waste

South Bucks District Council: www.southbucks.gov.uk/recycling

Wycombe District Council : www.wycombe.gov.uk/waste

Waste Partnership for Buckinghamshire:
@recycle4Bucks www.recycleforbuckinghamshire.co.uk/, www.facebook.com/recycle4Bucks/

Plus, Recycle Now is a mine of fascinating information: www.recyclenow.com

Wishing everyone a very happy, waste-free Christmas.

Cllr Mike Smith

Chairman of the Joint Waste Partnership Buckinghamshire