Wendover CE Junior School News – July 2019

It has been a very busy time at WCEJS. We have been working hard to further improve our curriculum so that children are challenged and benefit from a wide range of enrichment activities. Educational visits include a Y6 experience at RAF Halton, Y5 visits to Holdenby House and the Ashmoleum Museum, Y4 visit to the River and Rowing Museum, Y3 visits to Whipsnade Zoo and Wendover Library and a visit from our local beekeeping association. Y6 have even forged a link with a school in Spain and have exchanged letters with their peers. There is a lot of colourful and informative work on display and in books as a result! Our extended learning competitions have been well received this year with children and families embracing opportunities to complete exciting learning opportunities outside of school – contributions to the recent STEM competition are being exhibited in school, including a large cardboard radio controlled aircraft that actually flies.

Children have been very busy with their extra-curricular activities too. We have taken part in numerous sporting competitions with other local schools – gymnastics, tennis, basketball, swimming, netball, multi-skills, athletics, cross country and football! Gardening club has been developing our new planting area and our choir performed brilliantly at the Echoes 8 event at the Royal Albert Hall. Pupil leaders have also been very busy, particularly our Junior Road Safety Officers who have organised a number of whole school events designed to keep children safe and active. The children’s school newspaper, Red Jumpers, has gone from strength to strength and is very popular. Finally, we found time to take part in an attempt to break the skipping world record by contributing 383,271 skips!

Our strong work in the local community has continued and the children have organised many fundraising events for local, national and international charities. Year 3 recently completed their Dementia Friends training, meaning that we are truly a Dementia Friendly school, and we have plans to support the Monday Club Café organised by Wendover Dementia Support.

In collective worship we have been thinking about spirituality, awe and wonder. Children have suggested a number of inspiring themes, such as sunsets, oceans, the stars and the universe. The children’s thoughts and prayers will soon be displayed in our regenerated Peace Garden. We have also welcomed a number of visitors to assembly, including a representative of MIND and the chair of Stoke Mandeville Maulers Wheelchair Rugby.

We would love to hear from you if you have a special interest or expertise that you would like to share with our children or if you can give just a little time as a volunteer. Additionally, we would also love to hear from anyone in the community who would be interested in joining our Governing Body. Please contact the school office: admin@wendoverjunior.co.uk.

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