Update from Wendover C of E Junior School – March/April 2017

Easter is almost here! We are busy preparing for our services at St Mary’s Church and children have been encouraged to do something for Lent, rather than give something up.

As always, our children are hard at work. Our focus this year is writing and it has been really encouraging to see just how much they have improved this year so far. There has been a good deal of fine work produced in other areas of the curriculum too: Year 3 have been completing their artwork based on famous paintings; Year 4 are completing work on the Vikings and Lindisfarne; Year 5 are designing iconic buildings and presenting these to ‘the Dragons’ to seek investment; Year 6 have just begun their local study about Buckinghamshire and WW1.

Children have been very busy outside the classroom, representing the school in cross-country, football, netball, tennis, swimming, multi-skills and dance. Children have also benefitted from a new club this year – Gardening Club. Thank you to all the staff and parents who have made this possible for the children.

Our community work continues with the school council organising a fundraising event for Macmillan Cancer Support. Additionally we are forging links with the PACE centre in Aylesbury and Lindengate in Wendover.

Our focus value this month is Respect. We have been thinking about why we respect people and how we can show respect for each other. We thought back to the words that Reverend Dearnley shared with us: “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16:24). We encourage everyone in school to only say positive, supportive things to each other.

If you would like to help in school, even for just a short time, please call or email the school office for further details: 01296 696822, admin@wendoverjunior.co.uk.

Written by: 54