News from Wendover CE Junior School – February half term
It is certainly true that time flies! This first half of term has flown by, almost certainly because we have been so busy and there have been so many exciting things happening. There have been a number of successful curriculum days, including Stone Age day, Viking Day and a visit from the ‘Fossil Man’.
We have been developing our new assessment system so that children are given the best possible chances to make progress, as well as improving the way we teach writing. There have been lots of Headteacher Awards for writing this term; children are showing clear progress since September and feel more confident about their writing.
Extra-curricular activities have also developed. Our netball, football and cross country teams have been busy and there are a number of new lunchtime opportunities this term, alongside the many existing clubs – a chance for everyone to be involved.
Work with local organisations continues. Our Year 5 are planning their work with ‘Go-Givers’ following on from Y3’s successful work with St Leonard’s Care Home last year. Year 4 and the school council have been busy forming links with Lindengate. Additionally, we are planning closer links with our Community Library in Wendover. We would love to hear from anyone in the local community who would like to volunteer in school – please email the school office for further details:
Reflection and Resilience have been the two values that we have considered this half-term. Reflection is not just about looking back, but being thankful for what we have and thinking about how we can improve. We have learned that true resilience is about tenacity, always rising after a fall, hope and faith and also the ability to adapt.