Wendover Bowls Club, April 2023

Recently the rafters of the Club rattled to the sound of half a dozen noble steeds as they galloped down a fiendish course to the cheers of scores of very noisy punters. All right, perhaps my description is a little vivid but the cheers were genuine and there were six horses even though they were rather battered and cut out of plywood and propelled by large bouncy plastic foam dice. A really super evening that convinced me that I am useless at picking winners, even when they are wooden cutouts.

Time flies and we will soon be let loose outdoors. I already have my grass cutting rota. The rooks are excavating again. If anyone has a spare small boy who is available to stand on the green 24 hours a day with a rattle please contact the Club.

Meanwhile we look forward to a quiz, the preseason dinner and various finals to round off the indoor year. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for good weather this summer with plenty of sunshine to cheer us up.
