Wendover Bowls Club – March 2020

After a bit of a quiet time just after the Christmas break the Club is back in full swing. We have had several splendid social evenings including a quiz night and horse race night. Thanks must go to the people who organise them as they contribute significant sums for the Club funds.

Our internal matches between club members in singles, doubles and triples, playing for various club trophies for both senior and novices, are well under way. On top of it all we have matches with other clubs. I joined the Club hoping for a quiet life, in keeping with my advancing years, but now realise I made slight miscalculation!!

I sometimes ponder some of the rituals associated with bowls. One that nobody has managed to explain is, in moments of excitement, players suddenly start talking backwards. If a good shot is played they utter well you bowled. Or if, on studying the head and deciding that they are two shots up they say, two we are.

Our indoor season will soon be over and we move out on to our green. Our pre-season dinner is already advertised on our notice board. I must say I look at the present weather with some trepidation but it must stop raining one day.

Don Knight