Wendover Cricket Club, April 2022

A lot is happening at Wendover Cricket Club as they prepare for the new season. 19 junior leagues have been entered as well as several tournaments, catering for ages 8 to 19; some 150 games are being arranged whilst the senior teams will be playing on Sundays and 2 teams in the Saturday Mid Bucks League. There will be a full range of junior practices during the season including 2 girls only ones.

Senior net sessions have begun on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00am at Mandeville School, Ellen Road, Aylesbury HP21 8ES and continue until 9 April. Junior indoor training is also continuing, with girls-only sessions (years 4 to 7) on Sunday mornings 10:00 to 11:30.

New senior players are welcome to turn up at the hall or, along with any other potential recruits, contact Jonathan Seabrook on 07767 148119 or jseabrook@talktalk.net.

Our beautiful game cannot run without Umpires and Scorers. Do you fancy doing either to help the club and on Saturdays in particular? You will get to visit many beautiful cricket grounds in our county and assistance can be given to get qualified.

The Village Cup will be running again during May to July at Witchell. The Bridge Section has also just resumed its Wednesday evening sessions at Witchell and new / past players are welcome. Contact Jonathan as above for more Information on anything or check the website www.pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub.

In the background is the on-going development of the new ground at Tring Road. The planning decision / permission is still awaited and once received, the first real signs of activity will be some archaeological works on the site; meanwhile work on the designs and tenders continue.

Jonathan Seabrook