Wendover Cricket Club news – May 2021
Wendover Cricket Club had a very successful return to training over Easter with both the junior & senior sections, despite the unusually cold spell that resulted in snow falling on the U9’s & U15’s! It was great to welcome players of all ages, including new joiners, to both the club’s grounds. The club has a packed fixture schedule starting in late April – over 130 junior fixtures ranging from U9’s to U19’s and 60+ senior matches for 3 teams and with more likely to be arranged. The Mid Bucks League starts on 1 May, as does the club’s Village Cup tournament. All training and games etc. will adhere to the latest Covid guidelines and regulations.
The new and exciting ECB’s Dynamos programme for 8 to 11 years old – for girls only at Wendover – has been launched and to sign up, you must apply via https://ecb.clubspark.uk/Dynamos. But the club’s places are limited and their sessions run on early Sunday mornings from mid-May.
Due to the short junior season ending in July, any players looking to join are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, whilst the seniors continue well into September. All junior/senior playing enquiries to Viral Patel wccjuniorscontact@gmail.com / Jonathan Seabrook jseabrook@talktalk.net or via the website www.pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub.
Jonathan Seabrook