Wendover Dementia Support – September 2023

Wendover has a growing reputation as a community that cares. Wendover Dementia Support is one of several local charities that depend on the people of Wendover – and they have willingly come forward as volunteers. There are over 35 volunteers working for Wendover Dementia Support. They have many different roles, such as helping with the Monday Club Café, being a voluntary driver or doing home visits. Others work hard behind the scenes with responsibilities such as finances and fund raising.

The team of volunteers is wonderfully enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. The Monday Club Café is a genuine club bringing volunteers and visitors together to provide friendship, enjoyment and understanding.

Recently two of our volunteers, Christopher and Wendy Trower, organised a visit to Road Farm for the Monday Club. The picture shows every generation having a good time with the grandchildren making it more fun for everyone.

This is only one example of how our volunteers often go the extra mile to provide new enjoyable experiences for visitors. New visitors can come to WDS feeling anxious and lonely, but they can feel rejuvenated when they realise that others are interested and care about them. 

The experience is positive for both volunteers and visitors. Visitors have often led fascinating lives and volunteers can be inspired by how well visitors and their families support and care for each other.  

If you know someone with dementia who needs support – ring 07732 342409 – or for more information look on our website: http://www.wendoverds.org.uk.