Wendover Health Centre Update for November

Changes to our usual Opening Hours

We will close at 1pm on Thursday 22 November for staff training.

Booking an Appointment

If you want to see a doctor or nurse and your problem is not urgent, you can book an appointment either by calling us on 01296-623452 or on line at www.westongrove.com. (To make on line bookings you must first register in person at reception: please see the website for details.) Appointments may be booked up to 4 weeks in advance; we do not hold back routine appointments for booking on the same day. Our aim is that you should not have to wait more than 1 week for a routine appointment, although sometimes the wait is longer especially when a specific doctor or nurse is requested.

For urgent problems please call us as soon as possible – our lines open from 8am to 6.30pm every working day (outside these times calls are diverted to Bucks Urgent Care).

A receptionist will ask you for information about the problem; this is important for assessing the level of priority for your call in relation to others and helps ensure that the most appropriate person deals with your problem. You will be called back by one of the duty doctors or nurses to discuss the problem in depth and agree a course of action. Many problems can be dealt with on the phone, but if necessary you will be offered an appointment to be seen on the same day. If the problem is a continuing one every effort will be made to arrange an appointment with your usual doctor if she or he is available.

Appointments are timed at 10 minute intervals. In order to make the best use of the time available, when you see the doctor please try and be clear about what it is you are concerned about and what you are expecting from the appointment. Please tell the doctor at the beginning of the consultation if you have more than one problem you wish to discuss. It may not always be possible for all of your problems to be dealt with in one appointment, and the doctor may then ask you to return on another occasion.

Flu vaccination

The last special Saturday session for flu jabs is 3 November 2012 from 8:30am to 12pm for people with surnames commencing Q-Z. If you are eligible and have missed your allocated session please attend then or call Reception to arrange an appointment. Eligible patients include all those aged 65 years or older – please see our website for details. www.westongrove.com