Wendover HS2 – April 2020

Help protect our chalk Aquifer
The go-ahead for building HS2 is now expected in April, following formal approval of the business case which “will set out the strategic importance of the scheme and allow a final decision by Government on its viability, affordability, achievability, deliverability and value for money”.

Meanwhile the new National Grid pylons are being built beside the bypass, and Archaeologists are busy seeking evidence of ancient settlements. This involves them moving the topsoil on the fields to see if the underlying chalk is marked from old buildings and fence posts.

What’s not visible is any progress in understanding the impact on the Coombe Hill Aquifer from the proposed cutting works, and we’re talking to the local Councils and the Environment Agency to ensure that this happens before the diggers start moving any chalk and disrupting the underground streams.

We need your help to achieve this, by bringing public attention to the issues now despite the Coronavirus priorities. Please look at the website http://bit.ly/HS2floodsaylesbury to learn about how water for the Wendover Arm Canal and Weston Turville Reservoir could get diverted to Stokes Brook and flood Aylesbury. We need your feedback about what you think the Council should do next.