Wendover HS2 – Bucks County Council Bypass Survey Result
An Overwhelming Result
Bucks County Council (BCC) have now published the result of the consultation on options for reducing noise from the bypass. They say:
“Of the 750 responses to the consultation the breakdown was as follows;
1.47% (11 residents) selected Do Nothing.
6.67% (50 residents) selected Noise Barriers, and
13.33% (100 residents) selected Low noise Surfacing (LNS)
78.53% (589 residents) selected Very Low Noise Surfacing (vLNS)
The results overwhelmingly illustrate that Very Low Noise Surfacing is the preferred option.”
As a result BCC have now formally agreed to write to HS2 to seek to change the assurance (which currently specifies noise barriers) to allow them use the money for vLNS instead, and subject to HS2 agreement, to proceed with implementation. As BCC also say, “It is important to remember that Wendover bypass is a noisy road”.
Our thanks to everyone who took part in the consultation to make this possible. We now await the outcome of the discussions with HS2.
The HS2 Smalldean Viaduct
Meanwhile, we have turned our attention to the impact of the 26,000+ new homes contemplated in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) on traffic flows on the A413. In particular, we believe the current design of the HS2 Smalldean Viaduct creates a critical ‘pinch point’ that will lead to constantly-recurring traffic jams in the morning (southbound) and in the early evening (northbound). We have asked for a meeting with BCC to understand better their position on this important issue.
Wendover HS2