Wendover Stop HS2 Meeting
Once again, members of the public packed into Wendover Memorial Hall to hear the case against HS2 and gear up before an eventful week which will include the second reading of the High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill on Wednesday 26 June (don’t forget you can email your MP using the online tool at www.highspeedrail.org.uk to do this)and the information day organised by HS2 Ltd in Wendover Memorial Hall, 10am-5pm onSaturday, 29 June.
The session was introduced by local leaderBrian Thompson who reiterated that the best outcome is the cancellation of the HS2 project for many pressing reasons including the lack of a proven business case and the failure to make proper enviromental impact studies or explore other ways to achieve a good business outcome eg countrywide high speed broadband provision before starting to investigate the route and engineering possibilities. If the project continues then Wendover HS2 will continue to press for a fully bored tunnel. The worst case scenario at the moment is the so called “green” tunnel which is really a concrete rectangular box through which the trains will run and which will still be a very visible eyesore and cause of intense noise pollution 36 times per hour.
Many thanks to Gordon Findlay for his videos. to see coverage of the whole event clickhere
If you prefer to see the videos in three sections, read on:
Local expert Hilary Wharf explained theJudicial Review Appeal and Hybrid Bill then went on to discussCompensation Status. For video coverage click here.
Local resident Ron Petersen gave details about the draft Environmental Statement and Impacts.
Finally, Ray Payne from the Chilterns Conservancy Board showed the immensity of the engineering involved in a fully bored tunnel. For video coverage of these two presentations, click here
Members of the public asked very penetrating questions which were answered as appropriate by the speakers and invited politicians. Cheryl Gillan MP commended David Lidington for the behind the scenes work he was doing as a Minister which complemented the more vociferous work she was doing as an ex-cabinet member. Cllr Chris Adams continues to support the anti-HS2 stance. David Lidington MP will not be present in the House for the vote on Wednesday. For a video of their comments click here.
The very last questioner encouraged anyone who had acces to the information to find out who started the amazing idea of HS2 and who will benefit from a project which made no sense to those present in the room.