Wendover Parish Council Matters Arising, February 2022

View from the Chair
Now we are well into the new year, I must thank all those who came to the Clocktower on New Year’s Eve for tidying up and leaving very little evidence of the gathering, so the Council groundsman had minimal work to do on New Years Day! Good to have a celebration without mess.

Cycle-path renovations were due to start on 24 January for 3 months. Another part of the canal towpath was repaired, just before the winter wet season, with more due in the spring.

Disappointingly, the Helicopter Park between Cruickshank Drive and Haddington Close has been the target of sustained vandalism recently. The costs of repairing the play equipment have been borne by the RAF but that is no longer sustainable. As a result, damaged pieces are being removed and the park has been closed. Sadly, vandals win and children have lost a much-loved playground! If anyone has any information, please notify either police, RAF or the Council.

Following the 20mph zone questionnaire, unfortunately Buckinghamshire Council has decided it cannot fund any of these zones within Wendover or the wider county. Their view is that they are not enforceable. The costs of installing any signs or calming measures are exorbitant and out of reach of the Parish Council budget.

On a more positive note, with Bucks Highways, we are in the process of replacing some of the trees and planting six new ones on the green in Stanhope Close; designated as a Local Green Space in the Neighbourhood Plan. Bucks Council are currently running a consultation in preparation of their Local Plan, see website survey: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/planning/local-plan-2021

Hoping for an early Spring and sunny weather, enjoy!

Sheila Bulpett

Hedges, Trees and Shrubs
Did you know – Section 154 of the Highways Act 1980 requires hedges, trees and shrubs to be cut back to avoid overhanging a highway, road or footway to which the public have access. This is to avoid danger or obstruction of the passage of vehicles, pedestrians including those with pushchairs or wheelchairs, cyclists, or horse riders and any streetlights.

Wendover Parish Council’s role under devolved services by Buckinghamshire Council is to ensure that home and business owners maintain hedges to avoid danger or obstruction to users of the highways.

Any obstructing trees or hedges need to be trimmed back by the landowner. Before the bird nesting period starts, please check the boundary of your property and ensure you are not encroaching onto the public highway.

If you would like any further advice or guidance please contact the team at the Clock Tower.

Five Year Strategic Plan
Our Five-Year Plan Working Group has conducted a significant amount of desk & in-person research and held many meetings and discussions with Council. Due to the current climate the Council has decided to focus on the next 18 months rather than five years. The action plan for the next 18 months is complete and can be found on our website: https://www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/vision

Manor Waste Consultation
We are seeking your views on the use of Manor Waste, the area outside Budgens at the heart of the village. Via the following link, please share your thoughts: https://www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/manor-waste. Please be quick, the consultation period has been extended until the end of January.

Hampden Pond
Back in October, the fencing around the Heron Path and Hampden Meadow sides of the Pond was replaced. In addition some annual maintenance tasks were completed, such as cutting back the lilies and some tree thinning works. In recent weeks, bark has been laid on the path along the Heron Path side of the Pond. The Church Lane side of the pond needs to be re-levelled before bark can be laid; these works will be done late January or early February. Our vision is that the Pond remains a wildlife haven, therefore when visiting the pond please keep dogs on leads and ensure litter is placed in the bins provided.

Farewell Jane
Jane, our Admin Support, is leaving at the end of January. Based downstairs at the Clock Tower, Jane was the first point of contact for most visitors and took the lead in Planning, the Local Produce Market and Allotments. The staff and Councillors would like to offer Jane best wishes for her future endeavours. She will be missed by us all!