Wendover Parish Council – Matters Arising, July 2022
View from the Chair
This View from the Chair is being written early as I hope to manage to fly off to sunny climes tomorrow with many others, as long as the flight goes ahead and we get through security. If the baggage doesn’t make it, never mind! So, we had a glorious day on the Witchell with our Picnic in the Park, the weather was just right, not too hot but pleasant and sunny. Rob Butler MP rushed back from the Trooping of the Colour to join us, and we met many residents on our tour of the cricket ground. It was fantastic to see so many people enjoying themselves and listening to the dulcet tones of the superb duo Ellis & Green.
My sincere thanks to Lynda, Stefan, Jo and Stephen for their help and support during the event, Andy for the tidy up before and after and Wendover Cricket Club for the use of the ground!
I would like to thank everyone who decorated their property for the Jubilee, Wendover looked amazing! I also hope that the rest of your weekend went off well too.
Over the recent weeks I have had the honour of representing Wendover and the Parish Council at a number of events, both happy and sad; the funerals of John Currell and of Tony Mogford MBE, who had been so pleased to be awarded the Lifetime Achievement award from WPC that he insisted it was on his coffin! I am so glad that we had managed to present him with it a few years ago in recognition of his unstinting work for Wendover. I also attended the mayor making for Aylesbury, which was an interesting event but did not include an official weigh-in to see if the outgoing Mayor had gained from his year in office! We congratulate Tim Dixon as the new mayor and wish him a successful and happy term of office.
That’s all for now, enjoy the start of the summer months.
Sheila Bulpett
2022/23 Working Groups
At the June meeting, the Council agreed the new goals and objectives (Terms of Reference) of the four active working groups as follows:
Open Spaces
- Consider the current Open Spaces and Play Parks usage and equipment
- Improve the facilities and equipment (contractor recommendations and costs)
- Establish a replacement Skate Park (identifying location and recommending type of equipment)
5 Year Plan
- Review the Parish Climate Action plan, update and execute for 2022/23
- Ensure implementation of the new Community Engagement policy
- Develop an Economic & Social Regeneration strategy and plan, execute for 2022/23:
○ A new policy for the Manor Waste
○ A publicity campaign for Wendover
○ A new ‘welcome to Wendover’ website
HS2 Mitigation
- Maintain pressure on HS2 ltd to ensure they meet their obligations/responsibilities under the Hybrid Bill
- Achieve the best possible mitigation result for Wendover Parish
Transport (formerly speeding & noise)
- Mitigate the noise nuisance and speed & air pollution of motor vehicles in the Parish
- Mitigate the noise nuisance and speed of motor vehicles using the A413 Wendover Bypass
- Follow-up with informal consultation to develop proposals for 20 mph speed limits
- Develop solutions to the traffic concerns in Manor Road/Wharf Road
- Facilitate the expanded use of electric vehicles in the Parish
- Support BC on the county-wide review and parking needs in the Parish
If there are members of the public who have specialist knowledge, expertise or enthusiasm in the work of the groups or because they represent sections of the local community that are relevant to the work, please contact the Clerk to register interest to join a working group.
Save the Date – Play around the Parishes
Play around the Parishes is a scheme run by the Buckinghamshire Communities Team to provide open access free-play sessions for children aged 1 to 8 on weekdays during the summer school holidays. We will be hosting a fun day on Monday 8 August at Ashbrook Open Space. More details to follow next month!
Jubilee Fun!
Scenes from The Witchell event 2 June (right) include entertainment duo Ellis & Green, VIPs at the WPC Marquee and an afternoon tea.