Wendover Pool

No bathing in the Olympic Legacy in Wendover
As a member of Wendover Swimming Association (WSA) it is disappointing not to be able to access the Wendover pool during the waste-band expanding season.
The John Colet School (JCS) closed the pool to pupils in September, and then completely on 12th October. This was because in June the gas boilers heating the pool water had ceased working, not a problem in the summer, but with the onset of winter the pool water was deemed too cold to swim in. Therefore, all schools on the JCS campus, together with JCS’s feeder schools in surrounding villages are now denied swimming lessons in their own pool; just when they should be ‘bathing’ in the Olympic Legacy.
Numerous clubs and several hundred members of WSA are also denied use of this much valued community facility. The WSA and its members generate a revenue close on £1,000 a month, most of which contributes to the pool upkeep and maintenance. This revenue is being lost. Although the WSA’s website has some relevant information and considers the situation to be temporary, there is a distinct lack of specific details as what is being done to put things right.
Bucks County Council claim to have resolved any gas supply problems and have provided JCS with 2 quoted schemes for replacing the water heating systems, and WSA are ready with financial assistance. So why are we waiting, whoever needs to extract the proverbial digit, please do so quickly?