Wendover Tennis and Squash Club – July 2022
There is a real buzz at our club at the moment. Our membership is the highest it has ever been, we have a new tennis coach, Chris Stringer, a new singles box league and a newly established social events team. The social team are working on a quiz night for our resident squash superstar Katie Malliff, a BYO Wimbledon event, a tennis finals day event in September and already plans are afoot for a Christmas do.
Before these new developments we already had a long-established squash coach with, and a schedule of, weekly squash and racketball events and men’s, women’s, and junior teams in the Bucks squash league to play against other clubs. We also have a squash and racketball league for club members with 6 divisions so all standards can join in.
For tennis we have 3 men’s, women’s and mixed teams. These play across the Aylesbury and District League and the Bucks League against other clubs. We have a weekly schedule with 6 regular sessions.
We have 2 Squash courts and 4 Tennis courts at our friendly club. You can be a squash member, a tennis member or both. Check out our website wendovertennisandsquash.co.uk for details.
Nicola Cliffe