Wendover Youth Centre in focus in today’s council video update

Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council

Wendover Youth Centre’s response to the coronavirus emergency is highlighted in today’s video update (Vlog) from Buckinghamshire Council Leader Martin Tett.

To find out out how Wendover Youth Centre – in association with St Mary’s Church – is helping the local community, Martin talks with Peter Swinford (Lead Youth Worker) and George Atwell.

As well as explaining the community support work Wendover Youth Centre is doing, Peter put a request out to viewers of the Vlog:

“If you’re from Wendover or the surrounding area and you know someone who may be feeling isolated and may benefit from support, then please get in touch with us by going to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Wendover-Youth-Centre-254083378615578).”

Today’s Vlog can be found at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/video-updates

The daily Vlog, supporting the message #ProudofBucks, also provides an opportunity for people to ask questions via social media on how the council is fighting Coronavirus locally, what residents can do to stay safe, and how they can get involved in helping others – using the #askBucksCouncil Twitter hashtag.

Vlogs will also be shared daily on the council’s social media channels.

Daily updates about all council services can be found on the website at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/changes-to-our-services-due-coronavirus


Wendover Youth Centre – https://www.facebook.com/Wendover-Youth-Centre-254083378615578
St Mary’s Church Wendover – https://www.facebook.com/stmaryswendover

Wendover Youth Centre – https://www.instagram.com/wendoveryc

Wendover Youth – https://twitter.com/WendoverYouth