Wendover Youth Forum 2014

The young people in the Wendover Youth Forum have been hard at work on behalf of the Wendover Local Area Forum (LAF) and out and about asking residents for their views on their local priorities. This is to update the local priorities on behalf of the LAF.

In addition to surveying residents in local parishes, on Saturday 15 February the young people took a stall at Wendover market (facilitated by Wendover Parish Council). The pictures show the MP David Lidington, who stopped by to talk to the young people, and also the residents providing their priorities.

Tuesday 18 February, the Wendover Youth Forum spent the day inputting hundreds of survey responses received from throughout the Wendover local area. The pictures are amazing and show just how much work has gone into this project.

A report will be taken to the next Wendover LAF showing the top priorities for the area and asking for the LAF to consider the findings and agree new priorities (if the surveys show the priorities now differ).

It is important that all the members of the Wendover Local Area Forum participate and provide your views on the local priorities for the area. The survey can be completed online at (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/wendover-refresh-2014).

Please ensure that your views are received by the end of February. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Wesley, Localities & Communities Manager for Bucks County Council, on 01296 383839.