What a treat!
The staff and customers at Rumsey’s Handmade Chocolates have raised a staggering £3385 for the Chilterns MS Centre through selling scones & chocolates, running raffles, store collections and more. They enjoyed themselves so much doing it that they have decided to continue to support the Centre in 2019 as well.
The money that the Wendover and Thame based chocolatier has raised will make a real difference to the lives of people in Wendover and the Chilterns area that have been affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). It will enable the Wendover-based charity to continue to provide physical, practical and emotional support for those living with MS, and their families, for as long as they need.
Kate Rumsey, Business Director, says ‘“We are so thrilled to have raised such a large sum for the Chilterns MS Centre, the work they do is incredible and it’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know some of the staff and members. We have set the bar high for 2019 now; but we like a challenge!”
“We are absolutely thrilled with the amount of support that the staff and customers of Rumsey’s have given to the Centre over the past year and we are incredibly humbled that they have chosen us as their charity of the year again for 2019. We are really excited to work with them on activities for the next 12 months. Thank you to everyone who has been involved.” Sharon Cooper, Corporate Fundraiser at the Chilterns MS Centre.
For more information on how your business can work together with the Chilterns MS Centre to support local people affected by MS, please contact Sharon Cooper, Corporate Fundraiser, on 01296 823048 or email sharoncooper@chilternsmscentre.org.
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