Wider call for sites opens as the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire begins to take shape

As Buckinghamshire Council continues its work on the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire, it is widening its search for land across the county that is suitable for different kinds of future development. This will ensure that the people of Buckinghamshire have the homes, infrastructure, economic opportunities and sustainable natural environment they will need in the years to come.

As part of this, the Council is opening a third call for sites suitable for future development. After two previous calls for brownfield sites, there is now a wider call for sites, which may include land not previously developed as well as a continued emphasis on re-using brownfield land whenever possible.

Commenting on the wider call for sites, Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Planning & Regeneration Peter Strachan said: “The Council is firmly committed to its ‘Brown Before Green’ pledge, which is why we’ve held two calls for brownfield sites and continue to welcome submissions. But brownfield sites won’t fulfil all of our future development needs, so we also need to identify land not previously developed that is suitable for future use, while at the same time protecting our countryside and natural environment.

“So I’d like to invite anyone who knows of sites that may be suitable for future development to submit them either online or in writing so that they can then go forward to the Council’s rigorous assessment process as to their viability and suitability. We welcome submissions from both individuals and from organisations that hold land or act on behalf of landowners.”

Further details of the wider call for sites, and information on how to submit sites for consideration, can be found on the Buckinghamshire Council website at www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/wider-call-for-sites


To submit a site online please use the link below:

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