Wendover Junior Football Club – April 2018
Wendover Junior Football Club’s annual football tournament is just two months away and organisation of this event is in full swing. This year hundreds of teams from all over Bucks and beyond will descend on RAF Halton to play over the weekend of 23rd and 24th June. This is a popular tournament which really showcases our local club offering our 310 players from Under 6’s to Under 16’s the chance to play against local clubs in a home setting. For those clubs visiting our tournament they will find a well organised setup which the club is thankful to RAF Halton for their help. A BBQ with meat supplied by Kings Farm and refreshments and bar organised by volunteers from the club, namely parents and coaches makes this tournament a truly local affair. The income generated from the tournament enables the club to fund FA coaching qualifications, train referees, goalkeeper training and other activities to keep this vibrant club running. To follow all of the news over the weekend you will find us on Facebook: @WendoverJuniorFootball and Twitter: @WendoverJuniors