Wendover Neighbourhood Plan April 2017
Following the successful launch events for the Wendover Neighbourhood Plan, the responses have now been analysed in some detail. 811 individual comments were received by members of the public on post it notes on the topic boards displayed.
186 Transport (including Highways issues and parking)
161 Community Facilities & Leisure (including infrastructure)
154 Housing
148 Green Spaces
98 Shopping & Business
39 Heritage
25 General Observations (Your Parish)
- Public feedback on the potential closure of RAF Halton was not taken as a separate topic, but was a very important issue for people with suggestions for its future use cutting across the all the subject areas.
- In splitting the comments, all those on infrastructure were included under Community facilities and Leisure and all those on the green environment (even relating to the needs of new housing) under Green Spaces.
In addition the Steering Group received between 10 and 20 emails with detailed comments, both on the present problems the community faces, and with suggested solutions. Subject to consent of the writers, these emails will appear on the website.
- Existing road networks were considered to be very stretched and parking facilities in need of improvement
- Criticism was made of the lack of capacity of the rail services and there was a need to extend bus services
- Cycling and walking were important for residents and visitors• There were a number of suggestions to improve and expand the highways network and its safety
Community facilities and infrastructure
- Existing infrastructure – educational provision, health services, and leisure facilities were all felt to be under too great a pressure, and fears were expressed that if any new housing were permitted there must be infrastructure to match this
- RAF Halton was again put forward as a means to meet the needs for new infrastructure
- Any new housing should be affordable and aim to meet local need, and some anxiety was expressed about the difficulties of younger people finding a long term and secure place to live locally
- Considerable concern over coalescence with other Parishes
- Potential development at RAF Halton could be a real opportunity to enable Wendover to be appropriately protected as well as meeting housing, employment, and infrastructure needs
Green spaces
- There was strong support to maintain the existing Green Belt including the green field sites around the Town, the Canal, and other local reserves, not just for residents but also for the visitors and tourists
- Most comments on potential sites for development referred to the need to preserve the Green Belt, not to damage biodiversity, and the problems any development would cause without greatly enhanced infrastructure
Business and employment
- Responders focused on the need for a varied and appropriate range of shopping provision for the Town Centre and for steps to be taken to encourage this – some concern was expressed about the present mix of outlets (shops and services) in the Centre
- Residents put forward a number of helpful ideas to try and encourage businesses of all kinds – such as a business hub, with facilities for start-up businesses, advertising the strengths of the community’s businesses and shops, the desirability of a rates and rent regime to help new local entrepreneurs, promoting green tech businesses, and ensuring suitable units or other start up facilities were included in any Plan
- RAF Halton’s development was again seen as a potential opportunity to include local business provision, and jobs creation as a key part of the mix
- Wendover’s built and green heritage was seen as a key asset for the business community, as well as residents, with a number of comments about the need to preserve the older parts of the built environment and provide information and understanding about the beautiful countryside around us.
- Many comments were also made about the intangibles – a valued community spirit, and the people, organisations and events such as Wendover Celebrates, all of which make the place a special one to live in.