Wendover Neighbourhood Plan April 2018

Well done Wendover! The company analysing the Wendover Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaires has been overwhelmed with the number of paper copies returned, 517, and delighted with the number completed online, over 500. A response of over 10% (total population of Wendover, including children is approximately 8,500) is the best yet recorded by the analysing company. About one in six households responded via paper copy.

The analysis has begun and a Public Feedback Event will be organised to publicise the major issues arising from the consultation process and to allow the community to make further comment on the final vision and objectives.

The results of this consultation will also be fed into the final Plan. As sections of the Neighbourhood Plan are prepared, they will be uploaded to the website wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk. Facebook www.facebook.com/WendoverNP/ is also a good way to keep up with progress. The Local Planning Authority (AVDC) will also be consulted at this stage.

The last stages of the process require submission of the final Plan to AVDC. Assuming that AVDC approve the Plan, it is then passed for review by an Independent Inspector appointed by AVDC.
If the Plan passes the independent examination, the population of Wendover will then be asked if they approve the Plan, through a Local Parish Referendum. Provided more than 50% of those voting in the Referendum support the Plan it will then be “adopted” by AVDC. Once adopted, the Plan becomes part of the development planning process and AVDC must take its policies fully into consideration when planning for the future. See also www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/vale-aylesbury-local-plan-valp-2013-2033.