Wendover Neighbourhood Plan February 2017

During the latter part of 2016 Wendover Parish Council invited interested local residents to join a Steering Group to write a Wendover Neighbourhood Plan (WNP). This Steering Group has been working since November to prepare Drop In Launch Meetings in the first week of February to allow anyone interested in the future of Wendover to put forward suggestions for the WNP.

The draft vision is:

To safeguard our distinctive, well-connected community as a pleasant and vibrant place to live, work and visit.
To manage future development, and sustain its historical centre and community spirit.

Through the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan, and with your help, we would like to:

  • Understand and respond to local housing needs and determine where future housing should go
  • Manage transport and traffic, including parking, and encourage green transport
  • Support existing businesses and retail in the parish
  • Protect the green spaces in the parish
  • Protect heritage and archaeological assets
  • Avoid coalescence with other parishes
  • Consider pressure on school places
  • Ensure adequate access to community and leisure facilities
  • Encourage environmental sustainability

Please tell us if we have missed anything!

Local Planning Policy

  • Wendover is categorised as a Strategic Settlement in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. In August 2016, a further 834 houses were proposed on the Tring Road site (north of Wendover) a 25% increase of existing dwellings.
  • The Parish Council has proposed two alternative sites (to avoid the Tring Rd site)

– Land at the old sewage works on Aylesbury Road
– Land bordering the canal behind Castle Park Road and Grenville Avenue

  • Since the draft VALP in August 2016, AVDC are reconsidering the housing needs for the whole district. They have a 5.8 year supply of housing, based on revised housing needs over the whole county, as a result of reduced population projections
  • The Government announced in December 2016, that local councils such as AVDC now require a supply of only 3 years
  • In January 2017, Aylesbury was designated as a garden town. This will have a big impact on the Wendover area
  • HS2 is shortly to be approved and will have an impact on the community
  • The closure of RAF Halton has been announced for 2022
  • In the light of all the above, it is therefore vitally important for the parish to understand and respond to local housing needs through the neighbourhood plan process so we get allocated the housing we need and where we want it.

To do this we need your help……

No change is not an option!

These Launch Events are designed to enable interested parties to help with the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.

If you cannot attend one of these events, there is more information online:wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk

Follow Wendover Neighbourhood Plan on Facebook:www.facebook.com/WendoverNP/

If you would like to know more about this now, please email:info@wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk

Or write to

Wendover Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group,

The Clock Tower,

High Street,


Bucks HP22 6DU

At the launch drop in events, you will have the opportunity to discuss any point with members of the Steering Group and also write comments on the topic boards which will include: Business & Employment; Housing; Community Facilities & Leisure; Heritage & Archaeology; Green Spaces & Environment; Transport & Traffic Safety; Wendover – your Parish.

At a referendum, most likely in 2019, you will be asked this question:

“Do you want Aylesbury Vale District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Wendover to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

You decide!