Wendover Neighbourhood Plan January 2019
Consultation on the Draft Plan and Local Green Spaces Document
Further to the article on page 30 in the December print edition of Wendover News, the presentation of the Draft plan to Wendover Parish Council has been delayed to its meeting of Tuesday 5 February. this means that the dates suggested in December have now altered significantly. We have now reached the pre-submission stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process, in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations.
The Draft Plan will be available online at www.wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk from Thursday 7 February.
The Public Consultation period will end on Thursday 21 March 2019.
Options to respond to the Draft Plan include:
- online at wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk
- attending the Consultation Drop In on Saturday 9 February looking at a hard copy, places where these will be held will be published next month
- writing to Wendover Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, c/o The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU
What happens next?
All comments and representations will be considered by the Steering Group and will be summarised, together with the consequent amendments made by the Steering Group. The amended Draft Plan will then be submitted to Wendover Parish Council for final approval before submission to AVDC for Independent Examination. The Consultation Statement will be published in parallel with the Final Draft of the Plan.