Wendover Neighbourhood Plan June 2018
Save the dates – there will be two feedback meetings following the Wendover Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire:
Thursday 14 June, 6.30 – 8.30pm at Chilterns MS Centre Oakwood Close, HP22 5LX
Saturday 16 June, 2.00 – 5.30pm at St anne’s Hall, Aylesbury Road, HP22 6JG
Wendover News has received comments about the article written by the local Labour Party which appeared on page 15 in the May print edition. Here is a response from WNPSG:During the past 2 years WNPSG has contacted over 3500 residences and over 350 organisations and businesses, including political parties, telling them about the plan and inviting them to get involved and give us their views. Many individuals with all sorts of political and other views have come forward at a variety of events. This work of engagement is continuing for harder to reach groups, and local business and organisations, as part both of the research necessary to prepare the Plan, and to obtain further opinions and insights. The meeting with Wendover Labour was part of this ongoing engagement with local organisations, and was attended by a member of the SG simply to listen and to garner views. The article referred to was prepared by the Wendover Labour group.
The whole aim of the process is to harness the views of all the community as well as get their help to prepare the Plan.
Jonathan Clover