Wendover Neighbourhood Plan June 2019
Following the public consultation on the Draft Plan and Local Green Spaces Report (LGSR), which had taken place between 7 February and 21 March, The Steering Group have been analysing all the comments received from local people, together with a few which had been received from outside bodies or companies.
Consequently, a number of changes were made to the text of the Plan and, particularly, to some of the Policies. The changes to the wording of Policies mainly reflected the very helpful advice received from AVDC Planning Officers.
The original Local Green Spaces Report suggested five potential new designated Green Spaces. Arising from constructive public comment and further research, these have been reduced to three and the “Settlement Boundary” has been slightly redrawn in one place to closely follow the edge of the developed area.
All these amendments have now been applied and “Submission” versions of the Plan and LGSR have been produced. These documents were approved by the Parish Council at the meeting on 7 May.
Final touches are now being applied to a number of Supplementary Documents which have to accompany the “Submission” versions of the Plan & LGSR. The intention is to submit all these documents to AVDC in June.
The Submission Plan and LGSR will then be advertised to Statutory Consultees for a six week period. After this the documents and the outcomes of the AVDC consultation will be passed to a Government Inspector for adjudication.
The Inspector may instruct that changes are made to the Plan, following which the Final Plan will be submitted to a public referendum within the Wendover Parish.