Wendover Neighbourhood Plan March 2017
The Steering Group of Wendover Neighbourhood Plan would like to thank everyone who was able to participate in the Launch events in the first few days of February. Although the attendance was standing room only on Saturday in Wendover Library Room and the whole age range of Wendover residents and visitors was covered, the actual numbers responding to date are “good” compared with similar surveys but not in absolute terms. There are online ways to participate shown below.
Comments received through the website wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk have been noted and can be seen there, anonymised. These tended to be much longer comments.
Comments posted to the Facebook www.facebook.com/WendoverNP have also been recorded.
72 people attended on Thursday 2 February
312 people attended on Saturday 4 February
Over 600 comments were written in response to the topic boards.
If you haven’t commented yet, please go to the website and send in your response(s). The Steering Group can also be reached via info@wendoverneighbourhoodplan.co.uk. If you cannot use electronic means, please write to:
The Steering Group
Wendover Neighbourhood Plan
The Clock Tower
High Street
WendoverHP22 6DU
Please make sure your comments arrive by Monday 6 March.
Exemplar comments are shown below for each of the topic boards:
Business & Employment: Encourage more small local businesses similar to those on the Station Yard to bring more money/people to Wendover.
Community Facilities & Leisure: Leisure faciities etc that do not depend on people needing to drive, better bus links.
Green Spaces & Environment: Protect green spaces including Green Belt eg to enhance mental and physical health.
Heritage & Archaeology: Wendover is a destination so how it looks is important – don’t let it get shabby.
Housing: Houses for young families, affordable in REAL terms (on wages earned in local area by young people).
Transport & Traffic Safety (including parking): More parking, particularly to encourage visitors to Wendover. Schools need better access. Infrastructure altogether needs to be addressed before any large developments are built. A new road to connect A413 to A41 and avoid Wendover/Halton rat-run.
Wendover – Your Parish: Please do engage with the younger generation. Get into the local schools and hear the views of students. They are the future so they need to be part of the plan.
There were many comments about RAF Halton. This is in a neighbouring parish and it is important that we collaborate with all neighbouring parishes about the impact of such a huge development. Wendover Neighbourhood Plan will acknowledge that the the intention of the government is to close RAF Halton completely by 2022 but at the moment details are not available to look at.
These comments have been collated into spreadsheets which will be available on the website. Clearly the analysis of these comments must be thorough and a full report will be published later. Analysis of the comments will lead to the Steering Group organising Consultation Events which will happen during the next six months. More opportunities for you to have your say.
Wendover News has also received a letter, published below, in response to WNP coverage in the February print edition.
Planning Conflict?
I was pleased to read about consultation on a Wendover Neighbourhood Plan in February’s ‘Wendover News’ but surprised to be told in the same article that the Parish Council had already recommended specific land as suitable for development in its response to AVDC’s Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. The fact that AVDC had earlier deemed these same areas unsuitable for reasons which included flood risk, green belt, harmful to biodiversity and landscape, adds to the surprise. I would have thought these were all important planning constraints which the Parish Council might have been keen to endorse, but seemingly not?
Richard Gridley