Wendover Neighbourhood Plan October 2018
Wendover Neighbourhood Plan is a direct consequence of the Localism Act of 2011 which seeks to devolve more powers to Town and Parish Councils, following consultation with local residents, to produce plans for the future.
Neighbourhood planning gives all communities (such as Wendover) direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and to shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to influence where new homes, shops and offices should be built, what those buildings should look like and what associated infrastructure should be provided.
Neighbourhood planning helps local people ensure that they get the right types of development for their community with the aim of balancing the needs of the neighbourhood in line with the priorities of the wider local area. It is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use.
It should be appreciated that Wendover’s Neighbourhood Plan has to work within the constraints laid down by the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan, VALP.
The Steering Group has started the process of writing the first draft of Wendover Neighbourhood Plan. This is based on many consultations since February 2017 including a survey in February – March 2018 and Feedback Exhibitions in June 2018.
The consultation process highlighted the following key issues for the planning period 2015-2033:
- housing
- business & employment
- community facilities & leisure
- conservation & heritage
- green spaces & environment
- infrastructure & connectivity
- transport & road safety.
During the consultation period the closure of RAF Halton in 2022 was announced. Although RAF Halton is in a neighbouring parish, the camp has had a great impact on Wendover since 1913 so it is appropriate for Wendover Neighbourhood Plan to refer to it in the final document.
If you still have an idea to communicate to the Steering Group, please make contact through the website as soon as possible. Anyone can comment – resident, business owner or employee, visitor.