Wendover Youth Centre – looking to the future
As you may recall from the February issue of Wendover News, the Trustees of the Wendover Youth Centre are planning for the future and are really interested to hear the views of the whole community about the current provision for young people.
With the input of many individuals as well as the financial support of the Lionel Abel-Smith Trust and Wendover Parish Council, the Trustees have accomplished the objectives set out in our Business Plan put in place when we took over the running of the Youth Centre in 2011. However, we now need your input to help us develop a vision for the future needs of young people in Wendover.
You can do this by completing a short survey created in ‘Survey Monkey’ which you can access from the following link (it estimates it should take no more than a few minutes to complete) – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MDX8Y38
Thank you in anticipation.
If you would like to be involved in what is happening at the Centre or have questions about our vision, please contact one of the following –
- Paul Hammett – Youth Worker & Youth Work Co-ordinator – paul@wendoveryouth.co.uk
- Becky Murgatroyd – Senior Youth Worker – becky@wendoveryouth.co.uk
- Tony Playle – Chair of Trustees – tony.playle@btinternet.com