Your Wildlife Trust needs your help
We are very grateful to local people who have joined BBOWT work parties at Bacombe Hill, Dancersend and Weston Turville Reservoir over the last year but we could easily do with more help. If you’d like some useful outdoors exercise in a sociable atmosphere please contact (Bacombe), (Dancersend) or ( WTR). College Lake Reserve also has opportunities to help in various ways – contact
Our talk at 7.45pm on 19 February at Gt Missenden Memorial Centre is by Barry Oxley on ‘The National Parks of California’. Admission is £4 and all are welcome.
Our popular walks programme shows folk new aspects of local natural history: the current organiser is retiring so could you please help us in this voluntary role? It would only take about an hour a week and needs very basic emailing ability. We have a great list of walk leaders and volunteers who represent BBOWT on the actual outings so it’s a matter of selecting a leader from the list, arranging a date and posting details to the staff who run our website. Please contact me for more information.
Richard Birch, BBOWT Chilterns Group. Tel 01296 624511.