01296 623056
The Clock Tower
High Street
HP22 6DU
The Parish Council meets monthly in St Anne’s Hall, Aylesbury Road, HP22 6JG, normally on the first Tuesday of each month. In addition to the Main Parish Council meeting, the PC hosts Amenities Committee meetings, Planning Committee meetings, Finance Committee meetings and Staffing Committee meetings. Members of the public are welcome to all Parish Council meetings; Committee meeting dates and times can be found on our website.
Since 1464 Wendover has had a Royal Charter enabling it to hold a weekly market. The market has occurred since this time, apart from an interlude of nearly a hundred years, continuing from 1983 to the present day. You can find the market on Thursdays from 8am to 4pm on Manor Waste. In addition we hold a Local Produce Market every 3rd Saturday of the month on Manor Waste 9am to 1pm. The Council holds an Annual Parish Meeting in April and a Christmas Charity Market in December.
Employing two groundsmen, we maintain the recreation grounds and parks around Wendover – Witchell Meadow, Hampden Meadow, Hampden Pond, Ashbrook, Rope Walk Meadow and Manor Waste.
WPC maintains Rights of Way, street lighting maintenance in most residential areas, represents views of residents in planning applications, HS2 mitigation and carries out duties such as verge grass cutting under a devolved services contract from BCC.
Contact: The Parish Clerk: Address: The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU Tel: 01296 623 056 Email: Website:
Both the parish of Wendover and the built footprint of this ancient market town are almost all situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt and Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The parish lies at the foot of the Chiltern escarpment extending through the Wendover Gap to the Dip slope. It sits astride the crossing of important and ancient arterial routes. As a significant gateway, providing access to the beech woods and dry valleys of the Chilterns from the Vale of Aylesbury, it is an established tourist venue.
The name ‘Wendover’ is derived from an old Celtic term meaning ‘white waters’ because of the deposits brought by the springs rising from the chalk aquifer which flow through the parish.
The Parish lies in the administrative area of Aylesbury Vale within the County of Buckinghamshire and represents over 5000 electors with a population of around 8,500.
The Clock Tower has become the symbol of Wendover, a key focal point in the village that once held the local fire engine and whose bell was used to summon the vehicle in the event of a fire. The original clock mechanism, made by Field & Sons of Market Square, Aylesbury, is still in use.
The Clock Tower also used to be the village pound or ‘lock-up’, the cell door is still visible inside today. The building now houses the Parish Council offices, providing a tangible presence befitting its important role within the community.