Take control of the healthcare you receive – join a Patient Participation Group

Working hand in hand with their local GP practice, Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) support and advise their local doctor’s surgery on patients’ needs.

GP surgeries across Buckinghamshire rely on the support PPGs offer by giving a voice for all and helping the surgery keep an ear to the ground. Groups are made up of patients from the surgery itself – no other qualifications are needed. The theme of this year’s national campaign to promote PPGs is ‘Celebrating General Practice’.

Dr Raj Bajwa, Clinical Chair of NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said: “PPGs are an important way that people of Buckinghamshire can work with their GP practicestoprovide insights about the quality of service they receive and how practices could improve.

“They cansupport practicesto communicate better with their patient population.

“They also have the potential to empowerpatients to take greater controland responsibilityfor their own health and that of their family.”

Working in partnership with GPs and practice teams, PPGs ensure the patient perspective is at the heart of local provision so that services are of high quality and continuously improve. Groups also provide practical support in the surgery, foster improved communication between the practice and its patients and help patients to take more responsibility for their health.

Patient Participation Week* runs from 10 – 15 June and aims to highlight the importance of patient participation in achieving excellence in care for everyone.

If you are interested in becoming part of a PPG then please contact your local doctor’s surgery for more information.

*Patient Participation Week is organised by the National Association for Patient Participation, (N.A.P.P) a national charity, formed in 1978. For more information, click here(or go towww.napp.org.uk).