Wendover Neighbourhood Plan August 2018
Thank you to everyone who came to the Feedback Events which took place on Thursday 14 and Saturday 16 June, relating to the Questionnaire which took place between Monday 12 February and Monday 5 March.
The Plan is now being drafted based on all the feedback. If you still wish to contribute with your big idea, or anything else: write to Info@WendoverNeighbourhoodPlan.co.uk or
The Steering Group,
Wendover Neighbourhood Plan,
The Clock Tower,High Street,
Wendover,Bucks HP22 6DU
WNP, WPC and closure of RAF Halton
Wendover Neighbourhood Plan and Wendover Parish Council prepared a response to the plans for RAF Halton, ahead of the meeting on 4 June reported on page 26 in the July print edition of Wendover News:
The feedback from the Launch Events was set out in the Engagement Report of 22 May 2018 on the WNP Website, Consultations section. This was seen by Parish Councillors. It is fair to say that most respondents saw RAF Halton’s Redevelopment (treating it as a brownfield site) as the key to meeting housing needs for the Wendover area. This was linked to opposition to the development of the Tring Road and Halton Lane sites. The public also saw the re-development as an opportunity to get improvements to all aspects of the infrastructure. Since then there has been continuing engagement and some new feedback. Most of the topics on which initial thoughts and other comment were sought have had a Halton element.
The main points at the present time are summarised below:-
• Any Housing, with a very strong emphasis on affordable provision of all kinds, should go to the Halton Site.
• Pressure on schools should be relieved by expanding provision at Halton (Secondary as well as Primary).
• It is imperative that the leisure and sports facilities at Halton should be kept and expanded for the use of residents in the Parish, District and Region. As an example, there was reference to the demand for football pitches and the severe impacts on the viability of the clubs concerned if Halton facilities were no longer available.
• A need for expanded facilities for local organisations to meet and for social interaction both at Wendover and Halton.
• New health centre and suitable complementary facilities needed which could be located at Halton.
• Existing buildings and heritage assets (such as the Trenchard Museum) should be kept at Halton and used imaginatively, and where possible, to create jobs.
• Expansion of Halton seen as an opportunity to improve and maintain all aspects of transport infrastructure such as the need to improve safety, and, where possible, expand capacity. This is likely to involve a range of measures including, as an example, improving the junction of the B4009/Tring Hill
• Seek imaginative solutions to parking issues in Wendover, which are perceived by some to affect local businesses, and which will get worse if Halton expands.
• Current traffic flows through the Town from West to East have a significant impact on businesses/residents/visitors at peak times. Traffic flows are caused by a variety of factors, but are likely to include a significant volume of traffic seeking to access the A41 (M) on the section of the B4009 to the north of the Chestnut Avenue junction. The community is seeking solutions to reduce unnecessary through traffic and Halton’s expansion will affect the problem and might lead to solutions.
• Continued need to encourage and promote cycling and walking in Wendover and Halton.
• Need to ensure Wendover’s shopping centre/services continue to provide a balanced offer for local people and visitors. This issue will require further discussion within the community, but is likely to involve seeking to keep the existing retail and services offer and, in addition, aiming to develop a greater diversity of provision, based on a distinct USP, and for all future development or changes of use to reflect community needs, and wishes. This will require a sensitive approach in the Halton Master plan.
• Concern over lost jobs and the need to plan for sufficient new jobs/training opportunities as part of the local plan process and Halton Masterplan.
• Need to encourage new businesses through promotion, trying to reduce costs, improve infrastructure, and facilities for tourists and visitors, encourage start-ups, and help small enterprises meet up, and share costs and ideas – across Wendover and Halton.
• Halton’s green infrastructure is vital and needs to be retained alongside Wendover’s green spaces.
• A wish to retain Wendover’s distinct sense of community if Halton expands – this is a concern about how new development is integrated (compare Princess Mary Gate).
• A need for a sustainable future for the people of the area.